bluleu LED Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Diclosures required by § 5 TMG:
bluleu LED Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
General Director Frank Blume
Hauptstraße 32
D-30982 Pattensen-Schulenburg
Deutschland / Germany
Represented by:
Herr Frank Blume
Tel.: +49 5069 48025-0
Fax: +49 5069 48025-11
VAT identification number:
Commercial Register Number:
HRA202390 Amtsgericht Hannover
Responsible for content as per § 6 MDStV:
Herr Frank Blume
Data protection officer:
Jörg Penzold
Tel.: +49 5069 48025-0
Limitation of liability, Copyright & data protection
The legal notes refer to the websites generally accessible quoted by bluleu, however not to sites quoted by other providers which can be reached via links from these websites.
Contents of the Online Offer
bluleu aims to take care that the contents of these web pages are up-to-date, complete and correct. All contents are carefully checked with placement on these web pages and afterwards in irregular intervals. As any information is however subject to quick amendments, the contents are necessarily not always up-to-date, correct and complete. Therefore bluleu cannot assume any warranty for the up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness or quality of the presented information. For this reason, no liability claims arise by damages of material or non-material kind caused by use or disuse of presented information or the use or disuse of faulty and incomplete information. A claim only arises if demonstrably on the part of bluleu an intended or a grossly negligent fault exists. All offers quoted on these web pages are subject to confirmation and prior sale. The complete offer or parts therefrom can be modified, supplemented or cancelled by bluleu without advance notice. Furthermore bluleu reserves the right to shut down the publication of this offer temporarily or definitely.
References and Links
These web pages can contain direct or indirect references (Links) to websites of other providers whose contents are not necessarily authorized or continuously supervised by bluleu. A responsibility of liability solely becomes effective in that very case that bluleu knows about the contents and it would technically be possible and reasonable to prevent the use in case of illegal contents. bluleu herewith expressly assures that at the point in time when the links were placed, no illegal contents on the pages to be linked were recognizable. bluleu has no influence whatsoever on the active and future design, the contents or the authorship of linked pages. Thus, bluleu explicitly dissociates from all contents of linked pages which have been modified after the placement of the link. This statement is valid for all links and references set within the own internet offer as well as for external inputs in guestbooks, discussion forums and mailing lists arranged by bluleu. For illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and particularly damages arising from the use or disuse of such information, only the provider of the side to which it was referred to is liable, not the provider who only refers to a publication via links.
Legal effect of this liability exclusion
The exclusion of liability has to be considered as a part of the internet offer, from which it has been referred to this page. If some parts or single phrases of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the valid legal status, the other parts of the document remain unaffected therefrom in its content and its validity.
Copyright Law
All texts, photos, graphics, audio-, video- and animation data as well as their arrangement on this website are subject to copyright and other laws for protection of intellectual property. For commercial purposes or for transmission, they may neither be copied, modified nor used on other websites. The copyright for published objects compiled by bluleu remains at bluleu. A dublication or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications are subject to the written approval of bluleu. Excluded therefrom is text and graphical material quoted explicitly for processing under rubrics as “press”. All trade- and brand marks indicated within the internet offer and as the case may be protected by third parties, are thoroughly subject to the regulations of the valid trademark law and to the title law of the respective registered owner. When indicating trademarks it must not mean that these are not protected by the rights of third parties!
Data privacy statement
When using this website you may be asked to indicate personal data. The answering of these questions is voluntary. Your personal data are recorded and treated according to the German data protection law. The personal data collected within the scope of this website are used for treating your inquiries. A processing and use of your data for the purpose of advice, promotion and market research will be effected only upon your explicit consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time with immediate effect for the future. Automatically collected non-personal information: If you access to this website, sometimes (not via registration) non-personal general information are automatically collected (such as for example used internet browser, number of visits, average resting time, selected pages). bluleu uses this information in order to calculate the attractiveness of the homepage and to improve its contents and functionality.
Place of jurisdiction
Any information or data, the use of this website as well as all dealing, sufferance or omission relating to this website are exclusively subject to German law. Place of fulfillment and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Springe, respectively Hannover, Germany.
Terms of use
bluleu places the contents of these websites at the disposal of its customers and other interested parties for general information. The websites are not determined for persons in countries which forbid the provision or the opening of the corresponding contents. Each user is in person responsible for informing himself on possible restrictions and to observe them before opening these websites. The contents on these websites neither represent advertisement nor a contractual offer nor any other consultation. By presenting contents on these websites or by its opening, bluleu does not enter into any contractual relationships. The download as well as the intermediate storage of single websites on a computer or monitor are acceptable. However, the reproduction, permanent storage or the sending of contents which are set on these web pages, are subject to bluleu’s approval.
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